The singularity of space, that resists being place, is just a state beyond human content.
Brennan (2024)
In 2010 Brennan set out to revisit the condition of the body under duress in art, altered states of reality and simultaneously extend his contribution to performance that for the previous twenty years had seen him develop a mode of ‘discursive performance’ as a methodology based on the ‘guided walk form’ that I term the ‘manoeuvre’

The duration and speed of running used in his ultra-marathons confronts the recognition of the social traces that make up ‘place’.

The act of conscious repetition involved in the footfall of the day-long long run triggers a bio-psychological recursion (Fiegenbaum, Dyson) that opens the concept of ‘space’ to be considered from the viewpoint of performance.

Brennan crosses a liminal threshold somewhere around 50km whereby he moves from our daily discursive world (‘place’) into a sequence of ‘phase spaces’ (Abraham and Shaw) that enable a separate reality to emerge that is sensitively dependent on initial conditions.

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